Suaraya – Suakarsa Mahadaya, the Expo activity of the UGM Faculty of Arts Student Activity Unit was successfully held with great fanfare on Friday, August 30, 2024 in the Greendland area and the Margono building of the Faculty of Arts UGM. Organized by the ministry of interest and talent LEM FIB Abra Nirmala cabinet. The event involved 20 Semi-Autonomous Bodies, Communities, and SMEs at the faculty level with the aim of orientation and introduction to new FIB students about the dynamics, achievement opportunities, soft skills sharpening, and non-academic activities that students can undergo during college. The 20 units are:
- Sanggar Lincak
- Kapalasastra
- UPI-Humanika
- Paramadya
- Rampoe
- Teater Terjal
- Saskine
- Bejomulyo
- PKM Corner
- Sastra Kanuragan
- Dian Budaya
- Sastra Budaya
- Sastra Oebah
- Suar Asa
- Senat Mahasiswa FIB
Held overnight, Suaraya gave a pleasant impression to FIB students by packaging the BSO Performance and Introduction in a lively Collaborative Drama. The distribution of door prizes and prizes for the “Gemilang Tujuh Belasan FIB” competition was also a series that was awaited by the students who attended and the winners of the competition held a few weeks ago. The participating food tenants became friends of the students in fulfilling their hunger and thirst throughout the event.
The success of Suaraya cannot be separated from the support of the Dean, Lecturers and Staff of FIB, LEM FIB Management, General Committee, and BSO FIB UGM Community, as well as 8 Sponsors, namely;
1. Awor Coffe
2. Morse Board Game and Cafe
3. Sari Wangi Parfum
4. Imperial Digital Printing
5. Sari Roti
6. Yamie Panda
7. Sidodadi Soundsystem
8. Aka4 Lighting