Yogyakarta, 27/3/2025 – On March 15, 2025 Saturday, HMJ Kamastawa held a Grand Launching of its cabinet this year. Grand Launching is one of the RPO division work programs this year which has the aim to introduce divisions, heads of divisions, and work programs of the Student Association.
Accompanied by the appearance of Cokekan, at 8 am guests ranging from lecturers to other HMJ members came. The event was opened formally by singing the song Indonesia Raya, Hymn Gadjah Mada, and Mars Literature. In addition, at the opening of this event there was a Sekar Pudyastuti dance offering displayed by 2 female students.
The event was continued with remarks both from the Chairperson of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2025/2026 period, HMJ Kamastawa Trustees, and the Chairperson of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program. Entering the core of the event, namely the symbolic release of the cabinet led by the Chair of the Study Program by tapping the microphone 3 times, followed by the video that releases the name and the logo of the cabinet.
After that, Chairman of HMJ Kamastawa explained the color philosophy and logo designed, did not forget the vision and mission of HMJ Kamastawa for the next year. After the chairman explained his vision and mission, the event continued with the introduction of divisions, heads of divisions, and work programs of each division.
HMJ Kamastawa Trustees, Mr. Dr. Rudy Wiratama S.I.P., M.A gives a little correction that in Javanese, the Grand Launching diction can be changed to kepyakan. Then in his remarks at the beginning of the event, the Chair of the Study Program also conveyed the importance of cooperation and pleasure in launching work programs in the organization.
The event was closed with documentation with all members of HMJ Kamastawa, lecturers, and invited guests. With the holding of this Grand Launching, it is hoped that later HMJ Kamastawa can establish good relations and be known by other HMJ management friends, BSO, and LEM FIB.
[Public Relations of Javanese Literature, Fega Achillea Maydena]