On October 19, 2024, the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program held the opening ceremony of Abhiseka Kramasisya and a talk show with lecturers and alumni who became speakers for new students. Abhiseka Kramasisya is a routine event organized by the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program. In 2024, Abhiseka Kramasisya invited speakers who have a lot of experience that can be shared with new students. All invited speakers have extraordinary careers in their respective fields. New students get motivation and an overview of the various professions undertaken by alumni. Starting from being a courtier to entering the entertainment world, the diversity of professions of alumni of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program shows that Javanese Literature and Culture can develop in any field.
Picture 1 Lecturers on study program workshop
Before entering the talk show with alumni, new students were first introduced to departmental materials delivered by lecturers who were present, both offline and online. The lecturers who attended offline included Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., Dr. Sri Ratna Saktimulya, M.Hum., Dr. Arsanti Wulandari, M.Hum., R. Bima Slamet Raharja, S.S., M.A., Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A. delivered departmental material in accordance with their respective majors. Dr. Sri Ratna Saktimulya, M.Hum., accompanied by Dr. Arsanti Wulandari, M.Hum., explained the philology section. Starting from the definition of philology to the process of learning philology. Followed by a presentation by Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., explaining the specialization of linguistics, and the last one was delivered by R. Bima Slamet Raharja, S.S., M.A., who explained the literature section. Then there were several lecturers who joined online because they were continuing their studies abroad, including Yosephin Priastuti Rahayu, S.S., M.Hum., who was continuing her studies at Leiden University. Nurmalia Habibah, S.S., M.A., who is in France to continue her studies at PSL University, and finally there is Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah, S.S., M.A., who is in Germany and studying at Universitat Hamburg.
Picture 2 Lecturers who attended online
This departmental session was well received by all Abhiseka Kramasisya participants. “The material makes me more familiar with the study program, so I understand more about the majors tomorrow, it’s also fun to get to know all the lecturers,” said Andini Nuraini, one of the new students participating in Abhiseka Kramasisya. With this session, it is hoped that new students can find out information about the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, be able to guide their knowledge to achieve noble goals, and always preserve Javanese culture.
The event continued with an alumni talk show delivered by 3 speakers namely Sukma Putri, Razan Bahri, and Rizky Inggar. The first speaker, Sukma Putri, conveyed information related to her current profession as a servant of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. Sukma also conveyed the message and impression of being a student of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program. The motivation given by Sukma to new students is very interesting, “Thank you for choosing Javanese Literature, because your first step in choosing here can already create a big step in the future. Cheer up to all of you, be healthy and sane always because you deserve a beautiful miracle from what you have chosen,” she wrote in one of the powerpoint slides shown.
Picture 3 Sukma Putri delivered her material
Razan Bahri as the second speaker, he attended this event online because he was abroad, to be precise he worked as a staff of the Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourne. Some new students get the view that being a student of Javanese Language, Literature and Culture does not limit them from having a job outside their major. Razan Bahri said that mastering English at this time is an important thing that must be done, without excluding the use of mother tongue and Indonesian. Using English to introduce Javanese culture in the international arena can initiate steps to preserve Javanese culture and promote it further.
Picture 4 Razan Bahri delivered his material
The third speaker was an alumni student of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, which was then still called Sastra Nusantara class of 2003, she plunged into the world of Indonesian entertainment. She has participated in many television programs, she is famous as a female comedian who is very multitalented, in addition to her jokes that always succeed in making people laugh, she is a singer who can also play roles. Rizky Inggar Lukitovati, who is often called Mbak Kiky, was the speaker at the Abhiseka Kramasisya 2024 alumni talk show. Entered in several award nominations and won one of them, Rizky Inggar told the beginning of her career until she could reach her current life. Rizky Inggar gave many views that the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program will one day create many great people who can be influential for the future. In fact, the image as a Javanese with his medhok dialect was able to bring Rizky Inggar to become a famous artist who has a strong identity and characteristics today. This shows that the existence of Javanese culture is valued and should be empowered, so that it does not become extinct. Rizky Inggar also emphasized to continue to be enthusiastic about achieving dreams even though there are many obstacles in the way, with confidence and determination, everything can be achieved.
Picture 4 Rafael Raga’s conversation as moderator with Rizky Inggar
In the talk show with alumni, students get provisions to undergo the world of lectures. The three speakers also provided some motivation to students of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program who might feel pessimistic about their job prospects after graduation. Emphasizing that Javanese Satra students must believe that their expertise is needed in various sectors, especially in the creative industry, media, and education. The warm and insightful discussion provided many valuable lessons for all participants, especially in facing an increasingly competitive professional world. The speakers who shared their experiences, challenges, and successes provided a broad perspective on the various opportunities that students can take advantage of after graduation. Through this talk show, it is hoped that students can be motivated to continue working and prepare themselves to face future challenges that are full of opportunities.
[Public Relation Faculty of Cultural Science UGM, Sandya Kirani]