IKMASA Visits (SANJUNG) UGM Arabic Literature Program Together with QIS’AR Comparative Study (Q-STANDING) UNS Arabic Literature Program
News Release Thursday, 23 May 2024
SDGs 4: Quality Education SDGs 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions | SDGs 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Yogyakarta, May 11, 2024 – The Association of Arabic Literature Students UGM (IKMASA) held the IKMASA Visits (SANJUNG) event on Saturday, May 11, 2024, virtually via Zoom Meeting. This event is part of IKMASA’s agenda and was attended by the management of the Association of Arabic Literature Students UGM (IKMASA).
SANJUNG is a collaboration between IKMASA UGM and QIS’AR Comparative Study (Q-STANDING) from the Arabic Literature Student Association at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), or Qismul Al-Adab Al-Arabiy (QIS’AR). The event began with an opening and welcome speech from the Chair of the Student Association, followed by the introduction of each student association. The activities continued with departmental sharing sessions in designated breakout rooms and concluded with sharing impressions and messages, as well as the symbolic exchange of souvenirs.
“It was very exciting, gaining lots of experience, meeting new people, and enjoying discussions about student resource development and recruitment.” – Yasmin Yusrina, UNS.
“I appreciate the amazing friends from QIS’AR, their programs are great, the organizational structure is impressive, happy to gain many new insights, expanded relationships, and deep knowledge. Let’s keep in touch in the future.” – Nanda Zaris Abdillah, UGM.
“Thank you to the friends from QIS’AR for inviting us to the comparative study with IKMASA. Hopefully, this can serve as a bridge for maintaining connections and fostering cooperation, mutually benefiting each other.” – M. Najih Qowwiyul Amin, UGM.
It is hoped that through IKMASA Visits, Arabic Literature students can establish and maintain good relationships with external organizations.