The 2024 Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) carried out by the UGM Anthropology Department has reached its peak with the presentation of research results and village development. The event, which took place at the Margono Building FIB on December 03, 2024, was a place for participants to present the results of their field work and community service. In this PKKM program, students of the Cultural Anthropology undergraduate program collaborated to conduct research and empowerment activities in Pandansari village, Paguyangan District, Brebes. They chose various research themes that are relevant to the problems faced by the village community, such as agriculture, irrigation, education, tourism, and waste management.
Irrigation is a crucial factor in agricultural activities, especially related to the management and access to water sources, as well as the use of fertilizers, adaptation strategies to climate change, and criticism of farmer card policies studied through an anthropological perspective. The broader problems of agrarian society do not only revolve around the process of planting to harvesting, other research also discusses the agricultural commodity trading system. In the tourism cluster, students conducted research on the governance and sustainability concept carried by Pandansari as a tourist village. This theme also correlates with social navigation among the younger generation in Pandansari Village towards social dynamics, changing values, and community expectations.
Finally, participants from the Bina Desa program presented a reflection of the activities they carried out during the month. Starting with discussing community awareness of the importance of waste management then evaluating the application of the Titen application for data collection.
This PKKM 2024 program accommodates students to experience conducting field research by learning directly in the community, students assess that field research activities have a huge impact on the development of their knowledge and application of methodologies. In addition, social sensitivity and cultural experience are also important things to reflect on. Through this activity, the Department of Anthropology UGM is committed to realizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4, namely quality education and number 11, namely sustainable cities and settlements.
[Public Relation Faculty of Cultural Science UGM, Author: Novilatul Ananda Ramadhani, Photo: Bonifacius Edo Wisnu Waskita, Translator: Sandya Kirani, Editor: Sandya Kirani]