Yogyakarta, November 13, 2024 – Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) happily welcomed the visit of students from Albayan Anyer Superior Islamic Boarding School. The activity that took place in room F305 of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM Building was attended by 50 students and accompanying teachers and was received directly by the Faculty’s Public Relations & Cooperation team and student representatives.
During this visit, the students were presented with interactive quiz sessions and exciting discussions that competed for merchandise in the form of notebooks and exclusive stickers. The participants were enthusiastic in answering questions and exchanging ideas in discussions related to various topics about academic life at UGM.
Some interesting questions from the students included the duration of the INCULS program, the preparation needed since grade 10, the provisions of the SNBP pathway and whether the winning certificate can be used in addition to the report card, majors that are considered easy or challenging, the possibility of science majors applying to the soshum majors, and the existence of a tahfidz pathway and the minimum number of juz that must be memorized.
This activity ended with a group photo session and a lively yell that added to the joy of the atmosphere. This visit is expected to provide inspiration and useful information for students in planning their higher education in the future.