Yogyakarta, Thursday, November 14th, 2024. In order to strengthen the public relations function at Universitas Gadjah Mada, the UGM University Secretariat held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) related to External Communication Guidelines held in Multimedia Room 1, 3rd Floor, North Wing, UGM Central Building. This activity was held at 09.30 WIB to 12.15 WIB, inviting a number of representatives of public relations staff, offices, and work units within the Faculty of Arts UGM. As presenters of External Communication material, Winda Pratiwi, Farchan Noor Rachman, and Mohamad Ryan Saputra, became the speakers of the activity.
The activity began with the first presentation by Winda Mizwar Pratiwi related to the organizational structure mind mapping journey and communication mapping to various stakeholders in the work unit environment at UGM. In this session, Winda explained the importance of feedback and setting appropriate responses to reduce miscommunication. The way our communication works at this time includes: Data Collection, Knowledge Sharing, SOP Guidelines, and Internalization of SOP / Guidelines.
The next session was presented by Mohamad Ryan Saputra regarding the analysis of stakeholder interest levels consisting of:
Level 1: High Interest, High Involvement
Level 2: High Interest, Low Involvement
Level 3: Low Interest, High Involvement
Level 4 Low Interest, Low Involvement
Each interest has a communication strategy, communication channel preferences, main activities, and communication channeling rules that must be considered. It aims to closely monitor communication activities to the public and public relations decision makers.
After the presentation of external communication guidelines by Ryan Saputra, Farchan Noor Rachman continued the presentation of media communication guidelines regarding the role of spokespersons in delivering communication to the public, criteria as well as Do’s and Don’ts of spokespersons, and the flow of information publication. He also added that technical forms of publication and dissemination of information related to UGM in print and digital must be in accordance with the established UGM brand guidelines.