The Visiting Professor National Seminar organized by the American Studies Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences on Monday, February 19, 2024 at the Auditorium of the Soegondo building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, is one of a series of events to commemorate the retirement of Prof. Ida Rochani Adi, S.U. The seminar was named “Seminar on Popular Culture and Literature” led by moderator: Dr. Herman Felani, M.A. with Prof. Ida who acted directly as Keynote Speaker. The National Seminar event also presented two professors, both of whom are alumni of the American Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, namely Prof. Mister Gideon Maru from Universitas Negri Manado who acted as the first presenter and Prof. Nuriadi from Mataram University who acted as the second presenter. Both Prof. Gidion and Prof. Nuriadi discussed the social society’s view on the phenomenon of American popular culture and literature and its influence in Indonesia.
According to the view of the speakers at the seminar, literature is something that is always synonymous with “fiction”, “the result of fantasy”, “imagination”, and “fabrications” made up by the author. Although not wrong, this view tends to “degrade” literature as a creative work, and a science in the social humanities. In fact, in a deeper sense, literary works are expressions of feelings, thoughts, views on life, character principles, and ideal visions of life that are owned or dreamed of by a writer either in the form of “fiction” (novels, short stories, folklore, legends, etc.), or “non-fiction” (letters, essays, speeches, biographies, autobiographies, etc.). This discussion can be seen from the themes discussed by the speakers: American Literature in the Puritan Era as well as Popular Culture. The extraordinary discussion was closed with comments from Prof. Ida, then continued with the giving of souvenirs and certificates for moderators and presenters as well as group photos.
In addition to the Seminar in Popular Culture and Literature, another agenda that attracted literature enthusiasts in the series of Prof. Ida Rochadi Adi, S.U.’s After-Duty events was the Book Review [R]EVOLUTION OF SASTRA IN THE DIGITAL ERA: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives whose author is none other than Prof. Ida herself. The agenda, which began at 10.30 at the same place and date, was also one of a series of retirement events for Prof. Dr. Ida Rochani Adi, S.U. Guided by two other moderators, Dr. Anna Sriastuti, M.Hum. from Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga and Dr. Rif’ah Innayati, M.A. from Trunojoyo University, Madura. Both explained that the book aims to respond to technological developments that are able to change the mature order of one discipline. While trying to capture the lament of a discipline that faces the dilemma of technological change, the book also tries to offer a framework of thought in responding to the development of the digital world in the world of literature using theoretical and historical perspectives. In addition to providing food for thought and contemplation, the book also provides new ideas on the phenomenon of literary works in the development of the digital world in the modern era. Finally, both speakers strongly recommended reading the book because it can really open up thoughts about literature in the digital era.