Visit of Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Language Office to Linguistics Master Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM

Master of Linguistics Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada will receive a visit from the Language Center of Southeast Sulawesi Province on:

Day/Date: Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Time: 13.00 – 15.15 WIB

Place: Room 721, Soegondo Building 7th Floor, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM

This meeting aims to discuss the Compilation of Bilingual Dictionary (Indonesia-Region) and Writing of Scientific Articles, as well as discuss other opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.

This activity will be attended by:

Dean of Faculty of Humanities

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources

Head and Secretary of the Master of Linguistics Study Program

Delegates from the Language Center of Southeast Sulawesi Province (3 people)

Cooperation and Public Relations Unit (2 people)

Through this meeting, it is hoped that a good synergy can be established in developing linguistics, especially related to regional language documentation and improving the quality of scientific publications.