SDGs 4: Quality Education | SDGs 4: Cultural diversity | SDGs 4: Education | SDGs 8: Culture | SDGs 9: Access to the internet | SDGs 11: Cultural heritage | SDG 16: Peace justice and strong institutions | SDGs 16: Accountable institutions | SDGs 16: Education | SDGs 17: Partnerships for the Goals | SDGs 17: Global partnership
SDGs 17: Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 4: Quality Education | SDGs 5: Gender Equality | SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth | SDGs 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure | SDGs 17: Partnerships for the Goals
On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences received a visit from ASIA to JAPAN. During this visit, Masato Sampei, the CEO of ASIA to JAPAN, provided important information regarding opportunities to work in Japan. In his presentation, he explained several key points such as the company profile, partner companies, and general requirements to work in Japan. Additionally, on this occasion, he also introduced several alumni from major universities in Indonesia who have joined ASIA to JAPAN and will be heading to Japan.
The enthusiasm shown was not only from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences but also from the Faculty of Engineering, indicating that the interest in working in Japan is quite widespread. This is because Japan is known as one of the advanced countries with rapidly developing industries and advanced technology, making it interesting to many students who want to develop their careers in these fields.
Visits and socializations like this are expected to provide students with a better understanding of job opportunities abroad, as well as the preparations needed to achieve them, including understanding company profiles, cooperation, and required qualifications. Hopefully, this event will be the first step for many students to pursue their dreams in an international career.
SDGs 4: Quality education | SDGs 8: Decent work and economic growth | SDGs 12: Responsible consumption and production | SDGs 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions | SDGs 17: Partnerships for the goals
27th of January 2024 – The “Infinite Learning – Web Development” program was designed to facilitate access to the quality education by providing learning experiences that reflect the actual situation in the industry. By encouraging participants to form challenge groups, this program not only aimed to produce developers with technical skills, but also encouraged collaboration and active participation in various industrial projects. Through the application of design thinking and SCRUM project management concepts, this program implicitly promoted responsible consumption and production practices, while forming individuals with adaptative, collaborative and communicative skills.
Intensive mentoring by two types of mentors, individual mentors and group mentors, played an important role in creating an inclusive and sustainable learning environment. With a focus on building individual skills, individual mentors provided guidance on participants’ performance, skills, self-motivation, and learning strategies. Meanwhile, the group mentor focused on group performance, research guidance, challenge project management, and application development. These two types of mentors worked together to build a strong partnership between mentor and participant, creating an environment that supports participants in facing the complex challenges of the future in the web development industry.
SDGs 1: No poverty | SDGs 3: Good health and well-being | SDGs 4: Quality education | SDGs 8: Decent work and economic growth | SDGs 17: Partnerships for the goals
Yogyakarta, 27th of January 2024 – In order to practice knowledge and serve society, several students of the Arabic Literature Study Program, Department of Language and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, had completed an internship program at Dompet Dhuafa. This internship program was an opportunity for students to go directly into the field and contribute to various community empowerment programs initiated by Dompet Dhuafa.
Dompet Dhuafa’s agenda which involved interns included collecting and processing poverty data, distributing aid to people in need, education about health, economic empowerment, and educational outreach. Internship students were also provided with experience in collecting donations and finding donors to support Dompet Dhuafa programs.
The internship program at Dompet Dhuafa was a concrete example of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and community service. With this program, it was hoped that UGM Arabic Literature students can become agents of social change who were competent, have integrity and care for others.
On Wednesday, January 31, 2024, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences recieved a high school visit from SMK Mutiara Terpadu, Sukabumi from 09:00 – 11:00 AM in the Auditorium Soegondo, 7th Floor. In the opening speech delivered by the representative of SMK Mutiara Terpadu, it was mentioned that this visit focused on the similiar principle between both instituions in preserving culture.
Interestingly, the strong principle of upholding local wisdom by SMK Mutiara Terpadu was vividly reflected in the enthusiasm of the students who asked about various aspects related to culture, from the definition of culture to the origin of the name “Gadjah Mada” in the university’s name.
As usual, the visit ended with a photo session with all participants. The warm atmosphere could be easily felt and seen from the closeness among the participants who eagerly interacted with each other.