Glorious Internship: French Language and Literature Why Choose an Internship at ARTraduction?

ARTraduction, with its logo interpreted from AR or the initials of Andina Rorimpandey, a nationally certified French translator recognized by the French Embassy. ARTraduction not only focuses on French-Indonesian-English translation, but also strives to enrich the Indonesian public’s knowledge of French culture through social media, such as Instagram and Blog where ARTraduction shares information on culture, language, tourist attractions, culinary, education system in France and other francophone countries and other interesting information.

As a translation agency, ARTraduction provides translation services for legal and general documents, including books. In addition, the agency also offers editing, proofreading, consecutive interpreting, legalization at the French Embassy, and third-party partnerships for Schengen and other countries’ visas, as well as apostille at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

ARTraduction’s commitment to education and networking is also evident in its collaboration with several public universities as guest lecturers. ARTraduction is also part of the Ministry of Education’s Teaching Practitioner program, becoming a French-Indonesian translation practitioner. This is concretely done with Gadjah Mada University to strengthen ARTraduction’s commitment in supporting education, by accepting student interns since the even semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

That way, it is certain that the experience experienced by students as interns at this institution can bring useful knowledge and benefit themselves and the world. Being a translator is not an easy or even trivial thing, but a profession that requires a lot of experience and perseverance. So that in the future, students as ARTraduction interns and also part of UGM can take part in the design of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Quality Education and Partnership points.

Author: Angela Amalia Kellen
Editor: Rifal Fadlurrahman
Translator: Sandya Kirani