“Students of the Middle Eastern Cultural Studies Program (KBTT UGM) of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) from the odd semester of 2023 successfully organized a Community Service Program (PKM) at Pabelan Islamic Boarding School, located in Pabelan Village, Mungkid Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java, on Sunday, July 28, 2024. The event, held in the Library Hall from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM, featured a seminar titled ‘Middle East Talk: History and Culture’ and was attended by 54 final-year students of KMI.
The event began with an opening by the MC, followed by welcoming speeches from the head of the UGM PKM committee and Al-Ustadz Muhammad Muzakkir, M.Ag, Deputy Director of Dirasah Ulya at Pabelan Islamic Boarding School. He explained the origins of Pabelan Islamic Boarding School and its long-standing ties with UGM. “Pabelan Islamic Boarding School was founded by KH Hamam Dja’far al-Maghfurlah on August 28, 1965, and has had a personal connection with UGM for a long time. This is evidenced by several prominent professors from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sangidu M.Hum and Prof. Dr. Fadlil Munawwar Manshur, M.S., who were former students at this boarding school.”
Following the speeches, the seminar proceeded with two sessions. The first session, titled ‘The Distinctiveness of the Middle East,’ was presented by Fahmi Mubarok Lc, and the second session was a sharing session on the academic world in the Middle East, presented by Naili Izzah Ramadhani, Lc. Muhammad Syahdan Hidayat, S.S., provided an overview of UGM’s academic programs and shared tips and tricks for applying to UGM.
At the end of the event, the Director of Kulliyatul Muallimin Al-Islamiyah at Pabelan Islamic Boarding School, Al-Ustadz Nur Musthofa S.H.I, gave a closing speech. He expressed gratitude to the UGM PKM students and motivated the students to master languages, especially Arabic and English. The event concluded with the presentation of a souvenir from UGM to Pabelan Islamic Boarding School, followed by a group photo session.”