Kapalasastra’s Adventure for Nature Through Basic Education & Practice

In December 2022, Kapalasastra as one of the semi-autonomous bodies (BSO) in the field of nature lovers has successfully conducted basic education for its new members. A series of basic education activities (diksar) carried out include understanding and basic practices of rock climbing, caving, rafting, and mountain-forest. In accordance with the principle of kinship owned by Kapalasastra for generations, all activities were carried out without any element of violence or yelling.

In January, the mountain-forest diksar took place on the slopes of Mount Ungaran and was held for five days. In this activity, teaching was given about the practice of Map and Compass Field Science (IMPK), Emergency First Aid (PPGD), Search and Rescue (SAR), and training survival skills. In the following month, a rafting or swift current sports course (ORAD) was organised. The Elo River was the chosen place with the calculation of the river’s moderate safety level and moderate rainfall as well.

The next agenda was rock climbing in March. Rock climbing was held on the cliffs of Siung Beach. Not only the material space and climbing practice, participants were also introduced to the shapes of corals that form the layers of the cliff. They were given the opportunity to walk around the cliffs and observe the morphology of each side of the cliff.

Finally, a caving course was held in Purworejo. There are two forms of caves that must be explored, namely vertical and horizontal caves. The horizontal cave chosen was Sikantong Cave. This cave has a track length of 1.5 KM and has a river flowing in it. Furthermore, the vertical cave chosen is Sibodak Cave. This cave has a depth of about 25 metres. Participants learnt and observed stalactites and stalagmites, the structure of the cave, the biota in it, and the science of cave photography. The whole series of diksar was then closed with an inauguration at Parangkusumo Beach as well as running a beach clean agenda.

In October this year 2023, Kapalasastra again held the basic education. The hope is that this basic education is able to provide learning and good practices to get to know nature more closely, become a forum for channeling talent interests, and alleviate the negative image of nature lovers. Kapalasastra; love nature, love life, without forgetting the greatness of God!