On Thursday, December 19, 2024, Mandala Majapahit, managed by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FIB UGM), received a visit from the Faculty of Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University. This visit was part of the Architectural Heritage and Restoration Study activities involving a supervisor and ten students.
The lecturer was Dr. Rahadhian Prajudi Herwindo, IAI, who together with the students aimed to deepen their understanding of cultural heritage architecture and restoration techniques applied at Mandala Majapahit.
The activity began in the afternoon with an introductory session hosted by Dra. D.S. Nugrahani, M.A., an expert from the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts UGM. In the session, participants gained in-depth insight into the history and value of Mandala Majapahit architecture, including the preservation efforts made to maintain its authenticity and sustainability.
This activity not only provides educational benefits for participants, but also strengthens collaboration between Parahyangan Catholic University and UGM, especially in the field of architectural studies and cultural heritage preservation.