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Yogyakarta, April 24, 2024 – The Association of Arabic Literature Students UGM (IKMASA) held a Halal Bihalal event on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at Siti Baroroh Building A201, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event is a regular agenda of IKMASA conducted during the month of Shawwal and is mandatory for all Arabic Literature students at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The event was attended by Dr. Zulfa Purnamawati, S.S., M.Hum., Head of the Arabic Literature Program, Arief Budiman, S.S., M.A., an Arabic Literature lecturer, and the speaker, who is an alumnus of Arabic Literature UGM, Ustadz Ibnus-Sakan Al-Faishal, S.S., M.Sc.
The event began with an opening by the MC, followed by welcoming speeches and the recitation of the Shawwal pledge by the Head of the Program, the Arabic Literature lecturer, the Chair of IKMASA 2024/2025, and representatives of the 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts. This was followed by a presentation by the speaker, moderated Q&A sessions, games, the presentation of souvenirs, a documentation session, and concluded with a closing.
The agenda discussed the theme “Weaving Harmony in Togetherness, to Strengthen the Foundation of Unity,” which can be summarized with the following quotes:
“Halal bihalal is a cultural product in Indonesia initiated by Abdul Wahab Chasbullah. It was first held in 1948 at the Merdeka Palace to reconcile DI/TII, Masyumi, Kartosuwiryo, and others to prevent division at that time.” – Ustadz Ibnus-Sakan Al-Faishal, S.S., M.Sc.
“The blessing of halal bihalal is that it can strengthen the bonds of friendship between one another, between students and lecturers, maintain harmony, and reinforce togetherness.” – Ustadz Ibnus-Sakan Al-Faishal, S.S., M.Sc.
It is hoped that through this general lecture with the theme “Weaving Harmony in Togetherness, to Strengthen the Foundation of Unity,” Arabic Literature students will be able to maintain their bonds of friendship, thereby creating a sense of togetherness among each other.