Brill Publishing Workshop at Universitas Gadjah Mada
April 28, 2014
at Ruang Sidang 1 FIB UGM; at 9 a.m.
About Brill
Brill ( is a leading international academic publisher founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands. It publishes over 200 journals and around 700 books each year in 20 main subject areas in the Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law and Biology. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and online reference databases.
With a tradition of academic publications, particularly in the area of South-East Asian Studies dating back to the 19th century, Brill has published extensively on the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia and is doing so nowadays increasingly through local partnerships and cooperation in the region. In 2012 KITLV Press became part of Brill and KITLV titles are now being published by Brill. Brill highly welcomes an opportunity to meet with Indonesian academics and researchers to seek partnerships and explore opportunities for cooperation in the area of publication.
About the Workshop
This 3 hour workshop introduces Indonesian academics and PhD students to international publishing and sets out what requirements are needed to get your research published internationally.
Publication Proposals
Publication proposals in any of the areas that Brill publishes in are welcomed. For an overview of the subjects Brill publishes in, go to our website:
registration: Sandy (0877 3981 9257) /
please attach your current/on going research’s abstract or proposal via e-mail
Karya sastra tak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan. Sastra selalu menjadi penanda, perekam, penafsir, dan penanggap semesta. Sebaliknya, fenomena, perubahan, sejarah, dan berbagai aspek dalam kehidupan juga mempengaruhi perkembangan sastra. Begitulah yang terjadi pada tahun 1990-an.
Kemajuan teknologi, kebebasan berekspresi pascareformasi, berbagai kemudahan komunikasi, dan berkembang luasnya media informasi, serta hiruk pikuk pemanfaatan jejaring sosial telah memicu tumbuh suburnya sastra yang kemudian disebut sebagai sastra cyber. Apakah sastra cyber itu, kapan mulai muncul, apa medianya, bagaimana karakteristiknya, bagaimana sejarah perkembangan terkininya, mari kita diskusikan dalam Weekly Forum FIB UGM yang akan digelar pada Kamis, 10 April 2014 di Ruang Sidang I FIB UGM.