Entering the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Major not only makes students active in learning about Javanese literature and language, but also active in various non-academic activities. With the passion of preserving culture and developing skills outside of class, they are involved in organizations outside the faculty, art communities, and social activities. Their participation in these activities not only increases their insight, but also enriches their experience in understanding and applying Javanese cultural values in everyday life.
Even this year, some of them are not only active as ordinary members, but have ‘moved up a level’ to become responsible persons in various strategic positions. Let’s take a peek at the story!
- Luki Henria Pasadhi (Sasa) — General Secretary of PK IMM UGM
Starting from activities in high school, Sasa joined the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) because she was looking for a Muhammadiyah-based organization in the college environment. Previously, Sasa was a member of the Muhammadiyah Youth Association (IPM). With the aim of maintaining what has been started since high school, Sasa went through a long process as a member of the Media and Communication division until this year Sasa served as the general secretary of IMM for the 2024/2025 period. Sasa hopes that IMM can run as it should, smoothly in carrying out work programs, and can contribute to UGM and the community.
- Abimanyu Mahendra (Abi) — President of UKM Swagayugama
In the 2024 Swagayugama Great Deliberation, Abi took the initiative to nominate himself as the president. Through a long democratic process, finally the forum have agreed to elect Abi as the general chairman of Swagayugama UKM for one year ahead. Abi’s reason for joining Swagayugama UKM was to preserve the Javanese culture of Yogyakarta. He felt obliged to do so, especially since he himself came from Yogyakarta. Abi has served as the coordinator of the pedhalangan competency test, as a talent during grand performances, as a dhalang talent, a dance drama talent, and even as a talent to perform at the Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Abi’s hope in his management is to improve what is lacking, and maintain what is already good.
- Yanuar Agung Nugroho (Yanuar) — President of UKM UKJGS
Having a background related to arts, Yanuar was enthusiastic about joining the UGM Surakarta Style Javanese Arts Unit (UKJGS). Within a year, he was dynamically involved in many arts activities carried out by UKJGS such as Gladhi Madya, various performances including the Prambanan Ramayana ballet, the New Year’s Eve gamelan parade, and so on. In these activities, Yanuar actively played a role as a talent before finally being trusted to become the general chairman of the 2024/2025 management. Yanuar was chosen from the results of voting at the 2024 UKJGS Great Conference.
- Juneffa Rizka Maharani (June) — Chief Financial Officer of E-Sport UGM
June was chosen as the Chief Financial Officer for E-Sport UGM because the previous chairman saw June as a responsive person. Over the past year, June has participated in several events and has been the manager of two PUBG teams. As the head of finance, her future duties include monitoring the work of the treasurer and sponsorship. June hopes that in the future she can divide her time between E-Sport activities, department associations, or other activities.
- Alma Syahwalani (Alma) — Head of Public Relations Marching Band UGM
Initially in the UGM Marching Band, Alma held a flag instrument where the section was called Color Guard. After a process of approximately one year, Alma was chosen to become the Head of Public Relations at the UGM Marching Band through interviews and also a deliberation system. On December 18, 2024, Alma was inaugurated with other new administrators. During her time in the marching band, Alma diligently attended routine practices and performed a lot inside and outside UGM. The Color Guard Section even received the title of Player of The Year. Alma’s hope for the future is to continue to improve her soft skills and hard skills and also to be able to create wider networks and relationships.
- Audrey Gizella Islamey (Audrey) — Head of Costume Division Swagayugama
Regarding Audrey’s election as Head of Costume Division, there were two influencing factors. First, because of the recommendation from the previous division head. In addition, because the candidate for the head of UKM Swagayugama directly chose Audrey to fill the position of head of costume division. During her time at UKM Swagayugama, Audrey diligently attended routine training, sometimes also involved as a talent in several performances, such as Pentas Kraton, Pagelaran Akbar Swagayugama, and several other incidental performances. In addition, during her time as a member of the costume division, she was involved several times as a person in charge for taking care of the costumes of the talents. Audrey hopes that by joining UKM Swagayugama and studying in the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture study program, both can go hand in hand so that they always foster a sense of love and pride in local culture and ignite the spirit to participate in efforts to preserve culture.
- M. Rafi Nur Fauzy (Rafi) — Head of the Karawitan and Pedalangan Division UKJGS
Based on his competence, performance, and experience during the previous one year of membership, the previous manager recommended Rafi to become the Head of the Karawitan and Pedhalangan Division in the UKJGS management in 2024/2025. During his time at UKJGS, Rafi had been the coordinator of routine pedhalangan training, the coordinator of pedhalangan Gladhi Madya , the event committee at Gladhi Purwa, the coordinator of karawitan Ambal Warsa UKJGS, the coordinator of Ramayana Ballet Prambanan karawitan, and others. Rafi hopes to be able to improve his academic achievements for this semester and in the future. And for UKJGS, Rafi hopes to be able to maintain and improve his quality and good name both inside and outside the university.
- M. Rizki Saputro (Rizki) — Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Division UKJGS
Rizki became the Head of the Facilities Division because he was appointed by the president of UKJGS. His goal in accepting the mandate was to take the opportunity to learn to become a division head in the organization. During his time at UKJGS, Rizki actively participated in various committees, including Gladhi Madya equipment coordinator, Gladhi Purwa security staff, Ambal Warsa equipment staff, Ramayana equipment staff, and is currently the Ramayana equipment coordinator. In addition, Rizki is also a talent at Gladhi Madya and the Faculty of Philosophy Karawitan Festival as a kenong player. Rizki’s hope for UKJGS in the future is that it will continue to develop and innovate in preserving Javanese culture.
- Fega Achillea Maydena (Fega) — General Secretary of Unit Selam UGM
Starting from her interest in the underwater world, Fega decided to register for the UGM Diving Society. During the training period and after being inaugurated as an official member, Fega routinely participated in various agendas held by the UGM Diving Society. So that at the end of 2024, Fega won the title of Member of The Year as a form of appreciation for her active participation. In the future, Fega hopes to continue to be able to balance academic and non-academic life, and continue to develop herself into a more skilled person.
From the writing above, we can conclude that being a student of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture does not prevent us from developing our potential in other fields. Some are in the arts, sports, and even religion. By knowing these stories, it is hoped that readers will also have the spirit to continue to develop themselves and fly high in the fields they are engaged in.
[Public Relation Javanese Literature FIB UGM, Fega Achillea Maydena]