Yogyakarta, Friday, February 23, 2024 – The Korean Language and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, has held a public lecture for the Comprehensive Korean 2 course. The Comprehensive Korean 2 course includes learning about Korean language that often appears in the business world. This course itself is a course held as a result of cooperation between the Korean Language and Culture Study Program and the Korea Foundation with lecturers directly from South Korea.
The Comprehensive Korean 2 public lecture is held online through the Zoom platform at 13.30 WIB. This public lecture is open to all students of Korean Language and Culture UGM, and is mandatory for students who take Comprehensive Korean 2.
This public lecture invited alumni of the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program, namely Jodie Anisya Kusumasari as a guest speaker. Jodie is an alumnus of Korean Language and Culture UGM class of 2017 who now works at the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) Jakarta Center. In the public lecture, Jodie shared her experiences during college until she started her career. After the presentation of the material, the public lecture continued with a question and answer session between the participants and the speakers. Then, the public lecture was closed with a closing session and documentation by the moderator.
This Comprehensive Korean Public Lecture 2 aims to introduce the world of work to students. That way, this public lecture is expected to be a means of self-development for students. In addition, this public lecture is a medium between the study program and alumni to continue to establish cooperation with alumni. This is in line with the sustainable development goals, namely Quality Education and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.