Sharing Session with Arabic Literature Alumni from the Ministry of Manpower

Yogyakarta, 05/09/2024-Sharing session with alumni of Arabic Literature Study Program has taken place at Soegondo Building room 405, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The resource person who attended this morning was a 2004 graduate of UGM Arabic Literature who works at the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker), Astri Romadona. This activity discussed the support given by the Ministry of Manpower to universities to produce human resources who are ready to show off in the world of work.

The Ministry of Manpower’s support is not without reason. At present, the problem faced by universities is the number of Open Unemployment Rates (TPT). Referring to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in February 2024, the TPT at the Diploma and University education levels reached 5.49 percent, higher than the general unemployment rate of 4.82 percent. Support and collaboration between the Ministry of Manpower and universities are needed to strengthen students’ readiness to face the world of work and reduce the gap between education and market needs.