Public Lecture:
Tuesday September, 1 2015
at Pukul 13:30 – 15:30 WIB Ruang SIdang 1
By : Dr. Max Richter
Musical and socio-cultural diversity and unity in Yogyakarta: Fifteen years ago and today
Dr. Max Richter is a Research Fellow (Indonesian Engagement) at Monash Sustainability Institute and Deputy Director of the Monash Asia Institute. His doctoral research centered on musical practices and discussions in downtown Yogyakarta in 2000-2001, subsequently published as Musical worlds in Yogyakarta (KITLV/ISEAS, available as Global Commons through OAPEN). That research focused on street-based occupational groups and their identifications with musik jalanan and campursari, and drew on Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts while also seeking to formulate alternative approaches. Nowadays Max Richter’s research includes remote-area electrification in Indonesia and strengthening Australia-Indonesia collaborative research partnerships, but he also maintains a keen interest in Indonesia’s musical life. This presentation will begin by reflecting on musical influences on social relations around 2000-2001. It will then invite discussion on music in present-day Yogyakarta, and what this might tell us about Indonesian cultural and political trends more broadly.