The National Library (Perpusnas) of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Nusantara Manuscript Society (Manassa) and the Office of Libraries and Archives (Dispusip) of Banyuwangi Regency held a seminar with the theme “Socialization of National Collective Memory (Ikon)” on Tuesday-Wednesday, 07-08 May 2024. The seminar was held in a mixed format at the Aston Banyuwangi Hotel & Conference Center, Jl. Brawijaya, Banyuwangi, East Java and through the Zoom Meeting application. The seminar was opened directly by the Head of the Center for Library Information Services and Nusantara Manuscript Management, National Library (Perpusnas) RI, Agus Sutoyo. In this seminar, the participants consisted of manuscript experts from various institutions, ranging from Ikon, Perpusnas, Dispusip Banyuwangi Regency, Gadjah Mada University, PGRI Banyuwangi University, Pegon Community, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), and others.
Ikon itself is one of the National Library programs that aims to record ancient manuscripts that are considered to have an important role and value for Indonesian civilization. After going through a process of research and discussion, the ancient manuscripts that have been designated as Icons will then be projected to be proposed as Memory of the World (MoW), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
In this seminar, the title of the material presented was “The Past as a Bright Present and Future: Banyuwangi Manuscripts as “Icons”. In this context, the collective memory in question is a memory composed of major events in the past that are preserved through cultural formations and institutionalized communication, such as recitation, inspection, and observation related to both written and visual forms of communication. Communicative memory is usually transmitted orally and within the family and can be referred to as private memory, while collective memory is usually transmitted outside the family and can be referred to as public memory. Manuscripts as collective memory function as a representation of the nation’s dignity, the identity of Indonesia’s diversity, strengthening national unity, national pride, and triggering the promotion of culture. The manuscript that was appointed was the Sri Tanjung manuscript/text. The reasons for the appointment of the Sri Tanjung manuscript/text as the Banyuwangi Icon itself are, 1) the Sri Tanjung manuscript is the work of Banyuwangi poets; 2) several centuries are present in the collective memory of the Blambangan / Banyuwangi people; 3) its survival shows its superiority as a literary work; 4) this advantage is its strength as a Banyuwangi cultural heritage; 5) Sri Tanjung and Banyuwangi are like two sides of a coin; and 6) is a representation of Banyuwangi and meets the requirements as a quality literary work.
The seminar with the theme “Socialization of National Collective Memory (Icons)” and material entitled “Past as Brilliant Present and Future: Banyuwangi Manuscripts as “Icons” is in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) fourth goal, “Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”, and goal eleven, “Sustainable Cities and Communities: Achieve inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements”, specifically point 11.4 Promote and safeguard the world’s cultural heritage and natural heritage.