In order to provide greater insight and knowledge about Cultural Heritage in the Sleman Regency area, especially for the younger generation, on May 21, 2024 a visit to the Cultural Heritage object was held, namely the Wisma Kaliurang Building, Wisma Merapi Indah I Building and Sri Widodo Joglo Building. The participants of this activity were high school students in the Sleman Regency area totaling 15 people accompanied by several teachers. The purpose of this activity is to introduce cultural heritage from the type of building, especially from the aspect of the important value contained in it. The important value of cultural heritage is related to the importance of history, the importance of education, the importance of science, the importance of culture and the importance of strengthening national identity.
The buildings of Wisma Kaliurang, Wisma Merapi, and Joglo Sri Widodo have historical significance as buildings used in the historical momentum of the Indonesian independence struggle. The Wisma Kaliurang building was used as the location of the KTN (Three State Commission) meeting on January 13, 1948 in order to obtain recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial occupation. The meeting was attended by representatives from three countries, namely Australia, America and Belgium. While from Indonesia, there were a number of national figures such as Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, General Sudirman, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Sutan Sjahrir and others. An important result of this meeting was the minutes decision which stated that the Republic of Indonesia retained full power over the area it controlled.
This KTN meeting actually followed up on the Renville Agreement, which was disrupted by the Second Dutch Military Aggression which seized Yogyakarta as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia at that time. Wisma Merapi Indah I, located not far from Wisma Kaliurang, is a building that was once used as a place to stay by national figures when attending the KTN meeting, along with the Ngeksigondo Pesanggrahan complex which is also located not far from Wisma Kaliurang.
It is hoped that with this activity, the cultivation of cultural heritage preservation values among the younger generation, especially students in the Sleman Regency area, can provide provisions in the future for the community to be able to participate more in preserving heritage in the form of tangible cultural heritage that has noble values that must be preserved.