In preparation for the implementation of Posbindu PTM activities, HPU FIB UGM held training activities for Posbindu cadres. This activity was carried out over two days. On the first day, Monday 6th of February 2024, material provision about Posbindu was held in the Multimedia Room of Margono Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. The event opened promptly at 8 am and continued with the Pre test. Furthermore, the delivery of material related to the introduction of HPU, introduction to Posbindu PTM, assessment of risk factors for PTM, assessment of nutritional status and nutritional education, measurements at Posbindu, recording and reporting at Posbindu, consultation on examination results and education at table 5, safety at Posbindu, and first aid in an accident. After being provided with some of these materials, participants took the post test.
The second day’s event was held the following day, it was Wednesday, 7th of February 2024 in Courtroom 1 of Poerbatjaraka Building, 1st Floor, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University at 8 am until 12.15 pm. Because on the first day the participants were presented with basic material regarding Posbindu and so on, on the second day the participants were encouraged to practice. The Posbindu training participants carried out the Posbindu table 5 simulations and exercises with enthusiasm and passion, then immediately carried out the second post test to see the progress they had made as Posbindu cadres after receiving the material and training during the two-day event.
This event received cooperation and assistance from Mr./Mrs. UGM HPU Team. Head of HPU UGM, Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc., PhD, had the opportunity to directly accompany the training participants as a speaker regarding examination activities in posbindu and health check practices (measuring blood pressure and taking blood samples to check cholesterol, sugar and uric acid levels). He received a direct invitation from the Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources, namely Mr. Suray Agung Nugroho, M.A., Ph.D. The Posbindu cadre training was attended by staff from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. The targets of Posbindu services are all staff, both lecturers and teaching staff in the faculty environment.