Yogyakarta, 30/1/2025 – Jatingarang Fest is a joint program with the theme Steps of Citizens, Preserve Beloved Culture which was held on Sunday, November 17, 2024 in Padukuhan Jatingarang Lor, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. Carrying the spirit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on points (3) health and welfare, (4) quality education, and (2) food security. This event is an effort to increase residents’ awareness of healthy living, education, and social resilience. This program was initiated by the UGM SCS-CEL team Period 3 Jatingarang Lor Sub Unit with field supervisor, Dr. drh. Yuli Purwandari Kristianingrum, MP, and in collaboration with the local rismas.
Coordinated by Bulan Churniati from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (21/477380/SA/20963), the event consisted of Dhiaksa Adhi, Zahra Nabila, Andreas Niko from FKKMK, Austien Elsa from Pharmacy, Tenriola Ramizah from FISIPOL, and Adelia Rizqa from Psychology. The event included gymnastic activities, healthy walking or eco-trekking, children’s Gambang Suling dance performances and Banyumas Massatria dance, tourism education, anti-hoax, and food security which are a combination of several different work programs, especially interdisciplinary.
Source: KKN-PPM UGM Sub Unit Team Jatingarang Lor, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, DIY
In the anti-hoax education, participants were invited to understand how to sort out the right information in a digital era full of fake news. The food security material emphasized the importance of applying simple tips for small, independent farms. Meanwhile, tourism education provides insights related to regional potential that can be developed. The event was also enlivened with dance entertainment and energizing door prizes. A total of 26 prizes were prepared thanks to well-planned management and sponsor support, with the grand prizes being standing fans, irons and premium pots. The excitement and joy was evident when the grand prize winners were announced, which was greeted with cheers from the community. Enthusiastic community participation added to the festivities, with more than a hundred people attending.
Overall, Jatingarang Fest went smoothly and was full of warmth. “It was unexpected that the enthusiasm of the residents exceeded our expectations, which initially planned for only one padukuhan, but it turned out that many from other padukuhans wanted to participate,” said Bulan as the person in charge of Jatingarang Fest. The success of this event shows the spirit of gotong royong and strong collaboration between KKN students, rismas, and residents of Jatingarang Lor, leading to the development of a more prosperous and sustainable community.
[Public Relations Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, Bulan Churniati]