Jakarta, April 17, 2024, Public Virtue Research Institute (PVRI) together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia held the 8th edition of the A.E. Priyono Democracy Forum. Entitled “The Future of Indonesian Democracy,” the event took the form of a public forum at the Erasmus Huis Auditorium in Jakarta attended by speakers from STF Driyarkara, BRIN Political Research Center, Project Multatuli, and the ASEAN Youth Forum.
To start the day, PVRI and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia also organized an informal meeting that provided a space for Indonesian students who have concerns about the development of democracy in Indonesia. Among the eight students represented at the meeting was Cornelius Prabhaswara Marpaung, an undergraduate student of Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
In a lively and relaxed discussion, attended by staff of the Political Affairs Department of the Royal Netherlands Embassy to Indonesia as well as PVRI, everyone was able to express their concerns, hopes and expectations for the development of democracy in Indonesia. In keeping with his interests, Cornelius raised the issues of health and social inclusion for marginalized groups as important factors to consider to support the development of not only procedural, but also substantive democracy in Indonesia.
The event lasted until late afternoon, and was closed with a visit to the exhibition booths of various civil society groups at Erasmus Huis Jakarta with the speakers and Embassy staff.