Universitas Gadjah Mada Collaborates with University of Zurich on University21

Recently, on 2 November 2023, Universitas Gadjah Mada paid a visit to the University of Zurich. During the visit, both institutions discussed ways to build on shared characteristics and strengthen existing relationships. The UGM delegation’s visit to the University of Zurich emphasised the common characteristics of these two universities and explored various opportunities for past and future cooperation.

At the institutional level, UGM and UZH are connected through University 21 (U21). U21 is a unique global network that brings together 29 of the world’s leading research-intensive universities. UGM is the newest member of U21 which joined in early 2021. While UZH has joined in 2017. U21 plays an important role in creating opportunities for student mobility and provides a platform to share approaches to address common challenges and trends in higher education.

For almost ten years, the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK) at UZH have established a strong and lasting relationship. This partnership has been initiated and sustained by the dedication of Prof. Dr. Pujo Semedi from UGM and Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks from UZH. Over the years, they have established a strong collaboration that has resulted in various programmes such as PhD student exchanges, research fellowships, writing residencies, and master student exchange programmes. UGM has also played a significant role in the International Summer School series called “Southeast Asia in Motion,” with the latest edition being hosted at UGM in August 2022.


Exploring New Ways to Collaborate

Professor Puji Astuti, UGM Director of Partnerships and Global Relations, expressed her excitement for the cooperation that has been established between UGM and UZH. They aim to strengthen this relationship further. They discussed the possibility of offering a double degree programme, which is popular among UZH students. The merging of two university systems can be challenging, but the exchange programme with UGM indirectly provides some solutions.

Meanwhile, ISEK is exploring other collaboration opportunities, such as research projects on alternative education. They are also planning an International Summer School in 2025, where UGM students and faculty will visit the University of Zurich. Molly Fitzpatrick, a researcher at ISEK, believes that this collaboration has been fruitful and hopes that it can be extended to other faculties.