New Path of Indonesian – Dutch Historiography

“We need to start critically questioning our past”


The release of Dunia Revolusi, an Indonesian version of Revolutionary World: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949, was a momentous occasion for history enthusiasts. This collaborative project between the Dutch Government and lecturers from the History Department of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences was finally launched on September 20th, 2022, in the Auditorium 7th floor, Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

The launch provided both new and old readers with an opportunity to delve deep into the book and explore the topics that intrigued them. The authors and editors of the book, including Galuh Ambar Sasi, Farabi Fakih, Julianto Ibrahim, Martin Eijkhoff, Ireen Hoogenboom, Abdul Wahid, and Yulianti, graced the event. They explained the parts they wrote and answered the audience’s questions. Their interaction with the audience helped readers gain a better understanding of the book’s content and the various perspectives presented in it.

The launch was followed by two more book introductions and presentations. Henk Schulte Nordholt, the author of Merdeka: Perang Kemerdekaan dan Kebangkitan Republik yang Tak Pasti, introduced his book. It’s such an open discussion with Bambang Purwanto, a professor of History at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, who responded to the introduction. After the lunch break, the book launch is continued by the second book Melewati Batas: Kekerasan Ekstrim Belanda dalam Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 1943-1949. The authors such as Gert Oostindie, Evelin Buchheim, and Remy Limpach, were there to present their book. Agus Suwignyo acted as the moderator for this presentation.

It is safe to say that the event was a great success and provided an excellent platform for readers and authors alike to engage in constructive discussions about the historical events of Indonesia. These books’ launch is a significant contribution to the study of Indonesian history, and it is hoped that they will inspire further research and discussions on this topic.