SDGs 4: Quality Education

After receiving A Accreditation, the Archeology Study Program (Undergraduate Program) Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM received Excellent Accreditation status from BAN-PT. This Accreditation will be valid until 2027.

This good news was received by the Archeology Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada from BAN-PT which issued on the certificate number 5112/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/XII/2023. This achievement marks the study program’s strong commitment to improve the quality of education and maintain high academic standards.

The accreditation process is an effort to assess the quality and excellence of a study program. Archeology Study Program has passed a series of rigorous evaluations by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Through this process, the study program succeeded in obtaining an “excellent” rating, confirming its position as one of the best Archeology Undergraduate Study Programs in Indonesia. It is hoped that this new accreditation achievement will open the door for the Archeology Study Program to be more active in international research and collaboration in the fields of education, research, and community service. By gaining wider support and recognition, this study program can become a center for archaeological research that has a positive impact on the development of science in the field and the preservation of cultural heritage.

This is the commitment of the Archeology Study Program to provide a relevant and quality curriculum, as well as facilities that support student development. Adequate archaeological laboratory facilities, reference rooms, research facilities and other adequate facilities are also determining factors for the superiority of this study program. In this way, students can develop their skills and knowledge well, both in archaeological theory and practice.

This success cannot be separated from the support of all parties, including alumni and stakeholders who always work side by side with the study program. Thank you for all the students’ participation in implementing the Tridharma. (Ln & Mht).