Yogyakarta, 6/2/2025 – An innovative movement in the world of education is back through the implementation of the final exam for the ‘Tata Cara‘ course in the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture study program at Universitas Gadjah Mada. This exam is not only an academic assessment event, but also aims to train students’ observation skills and strengthen their connection with local culture. With a learning method based on direct experience, students are invited to explore, understand, and document the traditions of the surrounding community as part of preserving cultural heritage.
In this final exam, students were asked to form groups and plan a reportation video of events and cultural products in the area around their homes. In approximately one month, the student groups successfully produced diverse and interesting outputs. Among them were those that discussed traditional herbal drinks, various forms of offerings, procedures for panggih manten, jathilan, and so on.
Mayla (class of 2023) said that she was very happy because this reportation assignment gave students more opportunities to learn more about related arts. She said that this was a completely different experience than just watching. Rachel (class of 2023) added that it was fun because she could watch the panggih procession live. There was a prayer for the bride and groom to be able to build a household. Then there was also Nadiffa (class of 2023) who stated that this activity was fun and taught many lessons about mutual tolerance.
This step is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially point 4 on Quality Education, which emphasizes relevant and skills-based learning. In addition, this exam also contributes to point 11, namely Sustainable Cities and Communities, by maintaining and appreciating cultural diversity in local communities. Not only that, the involvement of students in direct interaction with the community reflects the implementation of point 17, Partnerships for The Goals, through collaboration between educational institutions and local communities.
This innovative approach is expected to strengthen the awareness of the younger generation towards the richness of Indonesian culture while honing their observation skills in understanding social phenomena around them.
Ana Safitri. (14 Desember 2024). “Aja Waton Payu” Video Dokumenter Mata Kuliah Tata Cara & Pranatacara | UGM | Kelompok 7. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/doC4jVOlluY?si=KdF8wiuBkeBzyMjs
Asmarawijaya. (13 Desember 2024). KEBUDAYAAN DALAM HARMONI PERNIKAHAN || RANGKAIAN TATACARA PERNIKAHAN GAYA SURAKARTA. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/ETIavdVdAh8?si=u-aoJLJdEje8Uwr2
Fifi. (14 Desember 2024). “Sabaya Mukti, Sabaya Pati” – Upacara Panggih Manten Gaya Surakarta di Magelang. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/LlVSazdFAPo?si=WnU3AF8NuSvqvuGw
Rizki Saputro. (13 Desember 2024). Sajen “Wujud Doa Tanpa Kata”. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/IILkq0dEGPc?si=3ol8mQkLMJyLNr91
[Bachelor Javanese Literature UGM, Fega Achillea Maydena]