The Department of Anthropology at Universitas Gadjah Mada organized a departmental workshop for lecturers and departmental support staff. This activity was held on Thursday-Friday, August 8-9, 2024, at Sambi Resort, Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the work achievements and work plans of the department. This is the realization of the 4th SDG’s target, namely Quality Education.
This activity consists of several sessions which are divided into two days. The first session on the first day was the preparation of the 2024/2025 Odd Semester Course Schedule. This session was presented by Dr. Realisa D. Masardi. The preparation of this schedule is intended to synchronize the schedule and the division of the person in charge of the course. The next session was the 2025-2030 Curriculum Plan presented by Dr. Elan A. Lazuardi. In this session, anthropological issues that are relevant to current world conditions and forecasts of future world conditions were presented. This shows that the Department of Anthropology will produce graduates who are relevant to the times. The last session on the first day was the Empowerment Anthropology Curriculum and Final Project. This session was presented by Dr. Gaffari Rahmadian and Dr. Muhammad Zamzam Fauzanafi.
The second day of the event focused on upgrading the staff and faculty of the Department of Anthropology. It was divided into three sessions. The first session was on staff promotion strategies and staff rank presented by Prof. Pujo Semedi. The next session was the staff recruitment plan which was also presented by Prof. Pujo Semedi. And the last session on this activity was secretarial by Fajrul, Head of Staff of the Anthropology Department.