Developing interest in learning Javanese fiction writing among students is one of the good efforts made by the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program. This effort is reflected through the organization of structured courses. However, the study program makes other efforts to identify hidden talents, improve students’ basic competencies, and ensure the sustainability of this interest. One of them is to bring students closer to writers and authors who are qualified in this field through writing training and mentoring activities.
The open offer was conveyed to students through a class communication group. The class community has been formed in the context of training activities in writing children’s stories by Budi Sardjono (Gubug Nyawang Giri), a qualified author under the pseudonym Agnes Yani Sardjono. This activity was held on Saturday, February 24, 2024, starting at 07.30 WIB until completion at Gubug Nyawang Giri-Sleman, in collaboration with PASBUJA (Paguyuban Sastra dan Budaya Jawa) Kawi Merapi Sleman through its Sleman School of Literature (S3). This community is supported by the community service program organized by Wiwien W. Rahayu, a lecturer in the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program since 2022, on an ongoing basis.
The offer did not receive a variety of responses, except from six students who were interested in seizing the opportunity. These students are Dian Nitami, Maysa Putri, Siti Nurhayati, Pingky Putri, Ilman Nafia, and Nisrina Dyah.
“I want to learn to be a writer, develop ideas, and be interested in writing children’s stories,” was Nisrina’s reason for accepting the offer. Another reason for Maysa’s participation was “..to use it to raise my intention, enthusiasm, and motivation to write,” she explained. The same thing was also conveyed by Ilma Nafia and Dian Nitami. The positive energy given by the author through the story of his experience is one of the attractions of the student’s participation. It could be that this can trigger a passion for fiction writing among Javanese Literature Study Program students. So that in the future, the response to existing opportunities will be more optimal.
Not just a hobby, the choice to become a writer is one of the offers made to students. The Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program is committed to providing strategic programs to support the development of fiction writing skills. The fulfillment of this is done seriously and continuously through the development of partnerships with various parties. Through the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education, this goal is expected to be achieved.