SDGs 4: Quality Education|SDGs 17: Partnership for the Goals
Yogyakarta, January 26, 2024 – A student of the Arabic Literature Study Program, Department of Language and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FIB UGM), has completed the MBKM Campus Teaching program at the Miftahul Huda Kroya Islamic Boarding School with flying colors. This program is part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) which aims to provide out-of-class learning experiences for students. This program focuses on assisting learning and fostering the use of Arabic and English in Islamic boarding schools.
While at the Miftahul Huda Kroya Islamic Boarding School, the two UGM students carried out various activities, including Language Classes, Foreign Language Talks, Student Mentoring, Bilingual Speech, Dhiba’ and Barzanji Readings, Language Tests, Listening Training, National Santri Day Commemoration Competition, Socialization of the Importance of Foreign Languages, and Vocabulary Book Making.
The Campus Teaching Program at the Miftahul Huda Kroya Islamic Boarding School is a real example of a beneficial collaboration between universities and Islamic boarding schools in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. This program is expected to produce a young generation that excels in Arabic and English and is ready to compete in the global arena.