INCULS, or the Institute of Culture and Language Studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada, together with Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara (JKKN) Malaysia and GENIUS Seni Tari (Permata Seni) from Malaysia are organising a collaborative programme from 28 August to 2 September 2023 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The programme was created by the Malaysian Ministry of Education as a work programme in the field of arts development on an international scale.
The aim of the programme is to create a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration between Malaysia and Indonesia, specifically in the field of arts and culture. Through this programme, participants will have the opportunity to work together on artistic projects, learn from one another and improve their proficiency in the arts. They will also be exposed to the comparative study of arts programme governance at the international level.
The programme is expected to be attended by 18 educators and ministry employees from JKKN, 15 participants from Malaysia, as well as BSO Rampoe UGM and Sastra Oebah. During the programme, the dance GENIUS team will practise two dances with BSO Rampoe UGM and Sastra Oebah. Meanwhile, staff and educators from JKKN will attend workshops with Dr Wulan Tri Astuti and Dr Arsanti Wulandari.
Overall, the Malaysia-Indonesia Serumpun Arts Integration 2023 programme is a great opportunity for participants to learn about different cultures, collaborate on artistic projects, and gain a better understanding of arts programme governance on an international level. It is a testament to the power of cross-cultural collaboration and the importance of promoting the arts in our global society.
The programme was closed with a beautiful event featuring dances. The GENIUS Seni Tari (Permata Seni) team performed a Malaysian contemporary dance, Kesah Berai. In addition, they also performed the results of the workshop, namely Angkrek Dance from Yogyakarta and Likok Pulo Dance from Aceh. Rampoe UGM was no less impressive, performing the Ratoeh Pukat and Sastro Obah Dance as well as the Nirbaya Edan-Edanan Dance which is full of Indonesian cultural meanings.