Monday, 4th of July 2022 marked the start of the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada’s collaborative tandem Summer School in collaboration with University of Zurich and University of Bern, and in attendance of students from UGM, Chiang Mai University, Royal University of Phnom Penh, University of Mandalay, and Ha Noi University (USSH).
During the Summer School, the students will undertake several classes on Ethnographic Methods and the newest trends and developments in the Anthropology of Work, as this Summer School will upheld After Covid? Work and Daily Life in Indonesia as its main theme. Students are then expected to produce ethnographic products, including visual, text, and audio, offering insight into Indonesians’ work and life in Indonesia in relation with their working lives post-COVID. Their research will be advised and supervised by
- Prof. Dr. Pujo Semedi (UGM),
- Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks (UZH),
- Dr. Laura Coppens (UniBern),
- Dr. Olivia Killias (UZH),
- Dr. Sita Hidayah (UGM),
- Dr. Pande Made Kutanegara (UGM),
- Dr. Realisa D. Masardi (UGM),
- Dr. Elan A. Lazuardi (UGM),
- Dr. Agung Wicaksono (UGM),
- M. Zamzam Fauzanafi, M.A. (UGM),
- Wahyu Kuncoro, M.A. (UZH)
The Summer School will run from the 4th of July, 2022, to the 22nd of July, 2022. Do say hi if you happen to meet our foreign students on campus!