FIB Weekly Forum
Kamis, 4 Mei 2017
Ruang Sidang Pimpinan
Lecture Series on Theory FIB UGM
Tanggal 3 Mei 2017
Jam 12.30 – 14.30
Ruang Sidang 1. FIB UGM.
Dewi Candraningrum
Jejer Wadon, Surakarta
Kajian Ekologi & Gender dalam Matra Interseksional Ruth Wodak, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Carolyn Merchant, & Stephan Lessenich:
Studi Kasus Pemertahanan Pegunungan Kendeng Utara Melawan Korporasi Semen Dunia
Stephan Lessenich, seorang sosiolog dan professor dari Universitaet Muenchen, dalam bukunya Neben uns die Sintflut: Die Externalisierungsgesellschaft und ihr Preis (terbitan Hanser Berlin, 2016) mengamati efek samping dari kapitalisme global dalam proses yang ia sebut sebagai die Externalisierungsgesellschaft (‘eksternalisasi masyarakat’), yaitu bagaimana sistem ini membutuhkan daya dukung sumber daya dari tempat lain (mineral dari tambang, air, pangan, dan bahkan sumber daya manusia dalam rantai migrasi) dan bersamaan juga ekspor sampah ke lokasi lain. Perjalanan panjang proses keluar masuk sumber daya dan sampah-limbahnya ini merupakan rantai paling berbahaya dalam sejarah manusia dan sejarah bumi. Pengubahan lahan produktif menjadi lahan tambang, misalnya, untuk kebutuhan negara tertentu dari negara lain. Atau, perdagangan manusia dalam kasus TKW dan buruh migran murah dari satu negara ke negara lainnya. Ekspor sampah, limbah dan racun berbahaya dari satu negara kuat ke negara lain yang lebih lemah demokrasi dan penegakan hukumnya. Lessenich melihat ini sebagai bahwa ketidakadilan ekologis adalah juga ketidakadilan sosial. Hubungan keduanya bisa ada dalam sebab dan atau akibat. ‘Eksternalisasi masyarakat’ dalam sistem kapitalisme ini dalam sejarahnya telah melahirkan banyak kekerasan, ketidakadilan sosial, dan kehancuran ekologis. Lessenich mengkhawatirkan bagaimana sekelompok masyarakat/negara hidup dari dan bahkan merampas hak hidup dari sekelompok masyarakat/negara lain dengan tanpa saling mengetahui. Harga struktur sosial ekonomi yang harus dibayar sangat tinggi dengan kerusakan ekologis dan daya dukung planet yang semakin berkurang. Ia melihat proses eksternalisasi ini sebagai mobilisasi monopoli yang paling brutal atas bumi dan menjadikan peradaban manusia sendiri semakin rentan.
Ibu Bumi wes maringi, Ibu Bumi dilarani, Ibu Bumi kang ngadili:
Analisis Wacana Kritis Ruth Wodak atas Brokohan & Ritual Memanggil Leluhur
The study investigates the representation of brokohan in theatre of protest against cement corporations across North Kendeng Mountain Range using Wodak’s critical discourse analysis (CDA). The study discusses the issue with reference to conservation paradigm within Indonesian Conservation Law No 5 Year 1990. Since brokohan was conducted by Sedulur Sikep who descend from traditional ritual, the analysis exhibits both cultural and societal notions related to how summoning the spirit (leluhur) are portrayed in such modern protest to conserve mother nature. This study attempts to describe tradition and rituals of brokohan using Wodak’s approach, that is analysing its phrase and sentences. The study finds that Sedulur Sikep uses brokohan to deconstruct the pejorative social identity of Samin as stupid and uneducated people. The findings from such an analysis answer the question about such rituals within its social context and the ideologies by which it is sidelined and underrepresented reflecting the discursive construction of representing 19thcentury figure of Samin Surosentiko’s protest against commoditization and capitalization of mother nature which is still richly preserved and alive until the 21st century; and thus being adhered and enliven by contemporary environmentalist protesters.
Keywords: CDA, Samin Surosentiko, brokohan, Sedulur Sikep, identity construction, Kendeng, Conservation Law No 5/1990.
Prof Dewi_Jules Itier and the coming of photography to Asia.
A talk by Gilles Massot
McNally School of Fine Arts – Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Tuesday, 23 Mei 2017
14:00 – Mutimedia Margono
My work has long been concerned with the theory of photography and the effect of this medium on the human perception of time and space, in contrast to the traditional graphic medium, drawing or painting. By the early 2000s, I started teaching photography for the school of Fine Arts in Lasalle, and this new academic context made me developed this research into a concept, which I named COS•MO or “the Constant Self-recording Mode”: with the invention of photography in the 1830s, the world had entered an age in which things were no longer just represented but laterally recorded with the help of a mechanical device; a radical transformation of the human relation to time and space that eventually resulted in today’s Infocom society.
A few years later, I started teaching history of photography in the School of Art Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University. This is when I came across the work of Jules Itier, a French custom officer who travelled around the China Sea in 1844-45 with a daguerreotype camera. His daguerreotypes of China taken in October 1844 were acknowledged as the first extant photographs of China. But there were many more, taken in other countries around the region, including one in Singapore that was dated by the day in his published journal: 6 July 1844. As I developed a timeline of the coming of photography to Asia for my class, this historical perspective began to echo my earlier theoretical concerns: what if that Singapore plate was not just the earliest dated photograph of this port, but marked the shift into the age of COS•MO for the whole Asian continent?
A research grant from Lasalle allowed me to embark on an in-depth research conducted all around Asia and Europe, the results of which were published in the December 2015 issue of the prestigious journal History of Photography. My talk will present the results of this research, some of which proved to be really ground breaking, while tracing the artistic journey that guided it from its onset.
Prof LalaFIB Weekly Forum
20 April 2017
Pukul 12.30
Ruang Sidang Pimpinan FIB UGM
Lecture Series on Theory FIB UGM
Selasa, 18 April 2017
pukul 12.30 – 14.30
Ruang Sidang 1 Gedung C FIB UGM
Pemateri: Aprinus Salam
Judul Presentasi: Hibriditas di Indonesia Beberapa Kasus