Seminar Hasil Penelitian FIB UGM merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam rangkaian acara Dies Natalis FIB UGM ke-68. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian masing-masing wakil prodi/jurusan di FIB UGM sehingga diharapkan hasil-hasil penelitian warga FIB tersebut dapat terpublikasikan pada segenap civitas academica FIB dan masyarakat umum. Seminar akan diselenggarakan Kamis, 6 Maret 2014 mulai pukul 08.00 WIB hingga 16.00 WIB di Auditorium FIB, Gedung Purbatjaraka lantai 3 FIB UGM. Peserta seminar tidak dipungut biaya, tetapi terbatas hanya untuk 150 orang yang dapat berasal dari mahasiswa, dosen, karyawan, dan masyarakat umum. Peserta akan mendapatkan fasilitas berupa booklet seminar, sertifikat, kudapan, dan makan siang. Pendaftaran peserta seminar dapat melalui sekretariat panitia dies,,, atau
The theme of this academic forum is:
“Making New Cultural Tradition for Sustainable City”
12th Urban Research Plaza Academic Forum
Time : March 8, 2014
Venue : Campus Indonesia Institute of Arts Yogyakarta (ISI) Jl. Parangtritis, Yogyakarta
Time : 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
Panelists : from Osaka City University, Indonesia Institute of Arts Yogyakarta (ISI), and Universitas Gadjah Mada
Urban area can be defined as a meeting place where individuals from different places with diverse cultural backgrounds interact. Although people lives in urban area are often considered as passive cultural producers, in fact they are also cultural producers. Through inclusive interaction, they create distinctive characteristics of urban culture which is often referred as modern or popular culture. In many cases urban area has been transformed into a ‘melting pot’ as a result of intensive interaction. Such a production of culture is largely achieved through cultural events. The 12th Urban Research Plaza Forum 2014 will discuss “Making New Cultural Tradition for Sustainable City”. It will emphasize on how people lives in urban area produces culture on their own way. In this case, culture is understood as a dynamic thing that will never stop to proceed, especially in Japan and Indonesia.
By delivering this theme, the attention will be drawn into how space and cultural events in urban areas can merge into wider social interaction and become a short of new culture. It is important to learn how this so called new culture has shaped the live of urban community and it has become a vehicle for the agents of culture to explore its potential in the present and future to articulate their ‘voices’ and existency in the communities.
It is necessary to reconsider the relationship between art and culture as it can be used as a tool to create greater social access and engagement within marginalized community. It also can be used to develop networking and to expand a community’s role from audience to active participants. It always offers a new model for art in the urban context. Art and cultural integration is absolutely needed when used as a tool to provide wide access for community in solving increasingly complex social issues, particularly in urban community.
The forum is open for public.
Please kindly send your request to participate at
or contact person:
Zahrani Balqis (085228049401)
Wulan Astuti (08122717332)
Arum Candra (081804034956)
URP (Urban Research Plaza) of Osaka City University
The Urban Research Plaza was established in April 2006. It is a brand new research center created by Osaka City University. The University has put its energy into urban studies, and produced results befitting a metropolitan university. As its name indicates, the strongest feature of Urban Research Plaza is its framework, based on the image of a ‘public square.’ Unlike ordinary graduate schools and research institutions, Urban Research Plaza does not house permanent facilities or staff members who do research within the facilities and contribute to society with their research results. Instead, the Urban Research Plaza features small, re-locatable satellites (‘field plazas’ and overseas centers) to be opened in Osaka and foreign cities, in addition to the small number of staff and core facilities (Takahara Hall) located at the university campus. Its staff members constantly go out into the field and go abroad for research and activities for community development. With this in mind, the Urban Research Plaza serves as the center of networks for research and urban revitalization, or an open forum where people gather
and meet around the theme of ‘cities.’
Cities are supposed to be an arena where new knowledge and culture is created through encounters and discourse amidst a gathering of a large number of people unknown to each other. The Urban Research Plaza is aimed at creating a research organization in urban settings of the 21st century that will implement a wide variety of endeavors with its unique structure and approach.
Osaka is currently a ‘city of suffering’ which faces the greatest problems in Japan in more ways than one. The philosophy of the Urban Research Plaza is to be a research institution in accord with Osaka City’s communities, and to share pain, pleasure and rage with the citizens.
Urban Research Plaza Yogyakarta Office
The Urban Research Plaza (URP) Yogyakarta Office was established by Osaka City University in cooperation with the Indonesia Institute of the Arts (ISI) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) as one of overseas satellite centers of URP in Osaka, Japan. It is located in Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM and was first known as Urban Culture Research Center (UCRC). Though the cooperation had been started long ago since year 2003 but the sub-center had just been effectively running only after year 2006 following name-shifting from UCRC into URP.
Very small number of officials does not hamper the office to actively inviting local scholars, practitioners and governmental elements the sub center annually holds an international forum to discuss urban issues aiming to spread the spirit of urban studies and to find the best possible solutions for urban problems.
The panelists of 12th URP Academic Forum are as following:
1. Dr. Widya Nayati (Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM)
2. Hesti Rahayu, S.Sn., M.A. (Faculty of Visual Art, ISI)
3. Y. Joned Suryatmoko Ndaruhadi, S.I.P (UGM)
4. Dr. Citra Aryandari, M.A. (Faculty of Performing Arts, ISI)
5. Yulita Kusuma Sari, S.T., M.Sc. (Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM)
6. Mr. Shinichi Takaoka (Graduate School of Engineering, OCU)
7. OCU delegation (in confirmation)
8. UGM Architecture Department (in confirmation)
Forum Linguistik UGM terbentuk pada Kamis, 23 Januari 2013 pukul 13.00—14.30 dalam rapat yang diselenggarakan di ruang C 103. Forum ini merupakan wadah untuk bertukar pikiran atau diskusi serta kegiatan ilmiah lainnya yang berhubungan dengan linguistik. Direncanakan forum ini akan menyelenggarakan diskusi rutin setiap bulan. Selain diskusi bulanan, forum ini juga mewadahi dosen atau linguis, baik dari dalam maupun luar UGM yang ingin memberikan kuliah atau sharing keilmuan untuk menambah wawasan sehingga diharapkan ada up grade keilmuan yang berhubungan dengan ihwal linguistik di kalangan pemerhati linguistik UGM.
Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan, forum ini diharapkan dapat bekerja sama dengan MLI Komisariat UGM yang sudah terbentuk pada beberapa waktu lalu. Kegiatan yang dilakukan tidak harus besar, bisa pula dengan diskusi sederhana atau book review dengan suasana yang dibuat “cair”. Selain itu, dalam bidang pengajaran linguistik di kalangan FIB UGM, dari forum ini diharapkan ada sharing terkait materi ajar untuk mata kuliah bidang linguistik pada setiap jurusan/prodi di FIB UGM. Juga diharapkan dari forum ini dapat tercipta penerbitan buku linguistik.
Forum ini akan memulai kegiatannya dengan melaksanakan diskusi bulanan pada Februari. Diskusi perdana akan dilaksanakan Jumat, 21 Februari 2014 pukul 13.00 di Ruang Sidang I FIB UGM. Pembicara yang akan membawakan materinya adalah Ibu Aprillia Firmonasari, S.S., M.Hum., D.E.A. Adapun (calon) pembicara pada diskusi bulan-bulan selanjutnya adalah Ibu Sulistyowati, S.S., M.Hum., Bapak Drs. Tri Mastoyo, M.Hum., Bapak Drs. Sajarwa, M.Hum., Bapak Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, S.U., M.A., dan Bapak Drs. Suharsono, M.Hum.
Tahun 1945 hingga 1950 merupakan periode krusial dalam sejarah modern Indonesia. Historiografi Indonesia menyebut periode ini dengan berbagai istilah khusus, seperti periode revolusi, periode perang kemerdekaan, atau periode dekolonisasi. Istilah-istilah tersebut semuanya mengindikasikan keadaan transisi sosial, politik dan ekonomi yang penuh dengan konflik dan drama. Sebuah proses yang hasilnya sangat menentukan nasib bangsa Indonesia (what Indonesia to be). Historiografi ‘national’ yang disponsori negara sangat mendominasi kajian periode ini. Mereka umumnya sangat menekankan perspektif dan semangat nasionalistik dan heroism yang cenderung militeristik. Sementara historiografi internasional juga sangat kuat menekankan perselisihan politik, diplomasi, dan pergeseran institusional. Dalam kajian-kajian tersebut, kekerasan yang terjadi seringkali ditempatkan hanya sebagai latar belakang atau catatan kaki semata.
Padahal faktanya, tahun-tahun ini merupakan periode penuh konflik dan kekerasan yang melibatkan hampir semua lapisan masyarakat dan dipicu oleh beragam motivasi baik yang bersifat personal maupun kolektif, baik bersifat ideologis-politis atau pragmatis-sporadis. Kekerasan massa terjadi hampir di seluruh pelosok negeri seiring absennya otoritas negara (vacuum of power) dan lemahnya legitimasi pemerintahan yang ada, baik di wilayah yang dikuasai Belanda maupun Republik. Kajian-kajian historis yang berupaya untuk memahami kekerasan kolektif tersebut secara proporsional dan kritis masih relative kurang, dan seringkali mengalami kendala metodologis dan tak jarang pula politis. Oleh karena itu, upaya-upaya akademik untuk mendorong pengkajian kekerasan massa pada tahun-tahun 1945-1950 perlu terus dilakukan di kalangan akademisi (mahasiswa, dosen dan peneliti) dan khalayak umum. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, Jurusan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada bermaksud menyelenggarakan sebuah seminar yang secara khusus mengangkat tema tentang kekerasan pada periode tersebut. “