A Mexican Research Professor’s Visit to the Pradangga of English Literature (Prasasti) UGM

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Last Sunday (17/3/2024), the English Literature student activity, namely the English Literature Pradangga or often known as Prasasti Club received a visit from Dr. Antonio Guerra Arias, a research professor and creator with a specialist field of ethnodrama studies from the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. The visit took place at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada, accompanied by the Head of the English Literature Program, Dr. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. and a retired English Literature lecturer who is also an arts activist, Dr. Eddy Pursubaryanto, Dip.TESL, M.Hum.

The purpose of Dr. Antonio Guerra Arias’ visit was to explore and understand the art of drama performance, especially Javanese Puppetry. Dr. Antonio Guerra Arias believes that the art of drama performance in Indonesia and in Mexico has similarities, namely the stories presented in drama performances are still strongly related to rituals and mystical things. In his research entitled “Shadows of Little Mexico”, Dr. Antonio intends to collaborate the story in his homeland with the Mahabharata story in Indonesia in a puppetry show.

During the visit, Dr. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. and Dr. Eddy Pursubaryanto, Dip.TESL, M.Hum. invited Dr. Antonio to watch the weekly practice of Prasasti which was held at the Margono building of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM. While listening to the music, Dr. Antonio had a conversation with the teacher and composer of the songs performed by the club, Nanang Karbito, M. Sn. The conversation was about the art of Javanese puppetry and the stories behind it. 

Currently, Dr. Antonio still needs the help of experts in the field of Javanese art, especially Javanese puppetry. For colleagues who are experts in this field, you can contact him via email address tony_war@hotmail.com and WhatsApp number +62 823-3383-6437.