Scholarships Official Handover by Shinhan Bank Indonesia to Outstanding Students of the Korean Language and Culture Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM

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On Tuesday, April 30 2024, the scholarship official handover ceremony by Shinhan Bank Indonesia to the outstanding students of the Korean Language and Culture Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, was held. The ceremony was attended by all the lecturers and students of the 2023 cohort of the Korean Language and Culture Program. The event opened with a Buchaechum performance, followed by speeches from Mr. Suray Agung Nugroho, S.S., M.A., Ph.D., and the Head of Shinhan Bank Yogyakarta Branch, Mr. Mirza Himawan.

The ceremony continued with the announcement of the scholarship recipients from the Korean Language and Culture Program at FIB UGM. Six students received the scholarships; Az Zahra Ahsana Amala, Salma Kalisha Hapsari, Fathiannisa Dyah Kartikaningrum, Ananda Arlita Aurora, Aisyah Dian Safitri, and Shakila Adisty Ramadhani.

The event proceeded with the presentation of a commemorative plaque from Shinhan Bank Indonesia to the Korean Language and Culture Program at UGM and a group photo session. Additionally, this event marked the beginning of the collaboration between Shinhan Bank Indonesia and the Korean Language and Culture Program.