On Wednesday, January 25, 2024, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada UGM sent a student representative named I Putu Adhimas Radiansyah Aryawan to participate in the Pojok Bulaksumur dialogue session. Pojok Bulaksumur is a casual dialogue session held by UGM that involves the university’s leadership and the media, aiming to provide information transparency to the general public. At this Pojok Bulaksumur event, three main speakers were invited to discuss the latest issues in the general election and the role of students as youth in exercising their right to vote and making their choices for the future of the nation and state. The three speakers were: Alfath Bagus Panuntun El Nur Indonesia, S.I.P., M.A., a lecturer in the Department of Politics and Government UGM, Laksito Lintang Kinanthi, the Chairman of the Student Element Board of Trustees, and Linda Kristiani Sianturi, Law Student from Faculty of Law Batch 2022.
Pojok Bulaksumur was opened with a speech by the University Secretary, Dr. Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu, S.H., LL.M., who gave a message to the university’s public relations and staff to communicate information transparently, both in the front office and back office, especially during moments when issues surrounding Single Tuition Fees (UKT) and PTN-BH status are starting to emerge. Dr. Andi Sandi also opened the Pojok Bulaksumur dialogue by giving a brief introduction to the general election, specifically the theme of first-time voters for the election of legislative candidates and executive candidates.
After the opening speech, the event continued with a casual dialogue session with the three speakers about the performance of the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the debates, which represented the discussion of the executive branch, and a discussion that highlighted the legislative election, which also plays an important role in the current general election atmosphere. The discussion then continued with the speakers’ hopes for the presidential and vice presidential candidates regarding universities, inclusive digital spaces for voters, the trend of youth commodification, and green elections, which are a concern for environmental issues after the campaign.
“This Pojok Bulaksumur discussion was very beneficial and opened up a space for education about the general election, especially the discussion about first-time voters, which was the subject of the theme that became the circle of discussion this time,” expressed Radiansyah Aryawan, the student representative from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM.
The discussion at Pojok Bulaksumur on January 25, 2024, opened the eyes of students, invited media, and the university and faculty leadership and representatives to the transparency of information from UGM and the general election matters that are currently underway. As Linda Kristiani Sianturi said, all presidential and vice presidential candidates have a vision and mission for Indonesia Emas 2045, so we need to highlight each one’s vision and mission. This aligns with the implementation of SDG 16, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.