On Wednesday, 26 July 2023, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences graduated 35 graduates of the Postgraduate Program with a proportion of 31 graduates of the Masters program and 4 graduates of the Doctoral program. The event was opened with remarks from Dr Nur Saktiningrum, M.Hum. as a representative of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Furthermore, there was a choir performance from the BSO of FIB Students, Paramadaya, which performed three songs, namely Rindu Lukisan – Ismail Marzuki arranged by Mahardika Simbolon; Proud of Your Boy – Alan Meken arranged by Jonathan Palant; Sway – arranged by Kirby Shaw.
The average GPA for the Masters programme is 3.77 and for the Doctoral programme is 3.71. The fastest graduate and highest GPA for the Master’s programme was achieved by Paksi Raras Alit from the Master of Literature with a study period of 1 year 6 months 25 days and a total GPA of 4.00. This received a response from Dr Nur Saktiningrum, M.Hum, “sudah cepat, empat pula”. The fastest graduate and highest GPA for the Doctoral programme was achieved by Andi Mustofa from the Doctor of Humanities Sciences with a study period of 2 years 9 months 12 days and a GPA of 3.87.
The graduation ceremony this time was closed with a procession of handing over certificates and certificates of cumlaude graduates from each department followed by a photo procession with graduates with the ranks of deans and head of study programmes from each department.
The Faculty of Cultural Sciences congratulates the graduates who have successfully completed their education. Hopefully what has been obtained can provide benefits and be successful in their careers.