Wednesday, 10 May 2023, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences successfully graduated 61 graduates with a proportion of 20 male graduates and 41 female graduates. The procession of postgraduate graduation period III took place in the Auditorium of Soegondo Building on the 7th floor. The Mangayubagya Graduate Student event was opened with remarks from Dr. Nur Saktiningrum, M.Hum. as a representative of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Furthermore, it also featured a dance from one of the Student BSOs, Sastro Obah, which performed the Jejogetan dance which is a victory-themed dance.
The Average Achievement Index for undergraduate programmes this period is 3.71 for S2 and 3.76. The graduate with the highest score was Nia Marniati Etie Fajari from the Master of Archaeology Programme. The graduates with the fastest study period were Muhammad Alnoza and Jihan Salsa Biela Fatin with a study period of 1 year 5 months and 10 days.
The final procession of the graduation ceremony was the submission of certificates and certificates of cum laude graduates from each department followed by a photo procession with the ranks of the dean, caprodi and graduates from each department.
Congratulations to the graduates who have successfully completed their education at the Faculty of Humanities UGM. Hopefully the achievements that have been made will continue to grow and provide benefits in the future.