Jakarta, April 11th, 2023 – Five undergraduate students of Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM started doing internships at PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, which is part of PT Kompas Gramedia Group, the biggest media and communication industry in Indonesia, is also the holding company for Harian Kompas, Kompas.com, KompasTV, GPU and Grasindo Publisher.
Placed and assigned in Kompas Gramedia Building, Palmerah, Central Jakarta, these five students who joined internships through Merdeka Belajara Kampus Merdeka Program between the Indonesian Language and Literature Undergraduate Program and PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, are expected to be able to concretely learn about the book publishing industry and to prepare themselves for their future career.
“Through this program, fresh graduates will be more prepared to enter a professional work environment that is still connected to their study program, while developing their career and providing benefits for society,” said Ramayda Akmal, S.S., M.A., lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program who supervises this internship. The faculty and the study program hope that this program will be done continuously so that it will give more great impacts both for students and the development of the Indonesian publishing industry.
(Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM/Cornelius P.M.)