After a vacuum due to the pandemic that happened in the past few years, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) decided to bring back one of their annual events called the Faculty Fair. This year, this event was held from March 18th to 19th, 2023, and took place at the Graha Sabha Pramana UGM. This event aimed to provide information and insight about all faculties and study programs in UGM for high school students.
The faculty of Cultural Sciences also actively took part in this event. Students who came to its booth were allowed to meet the representative of each study program to get first-hand information. It was essential and beneficial, especially for those who have not called clear information about the reality of university life.
Other than having a question and answer session with each study program, there was also another interactive session in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences’ booth. There was a traditional clothes exhibition which was done two times, on the first and the second day. On March 18th, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM provided traditional clothes from Japan called yukata. On March 19th, there was another traditional clothes exhibition from the Republic of Korea called Hanbok. These events attracted visitors to come and visit the Faculty of Cultural Sciences’ booth.