From November 14th to 25th, 2022, the History Study Program, Class of 2020 held an exhibition of works resulting from the Oral History course with the theme “Soeara People in 1945-1965” at the Soegondo Basement. This exhibition is open to the public and free. In contrast to exhibitions in general, the Oral History Exhibition emphasized interviews with sources who have direct experience related to certain historical events. Interestingly, instead of focusing on the oral history of major figures, this exhibition was more about the point of view of society.
In this exhibition, UGM History 2020 took various themes, including education, military, family, and socio-politics. Each theme will present several sources along with transcripts of interviews that have been done by the students of the History Study Program Class of 2020. In addition, several pieces of documentation were shown in the form of photos and videos which represented events, as well as recordings of the interviews.
Not only exhibitions, but they also held a talk show event “Oral History Exhibition” on November 17th, 2022 in Room 707 of the Soegondo Building, inviting speakers from student elements. The speakers for the talk show included Wheli Sutra Pradana, Cindy Gunawan, and Annisa Noorviana, moderated by Egit Andre and Nasywa Nur Athiyya.
Head of the Department of History Study Program, Dr. Abdul Wahid, M. Hum., M. Phil, expressed his pride in the innovations made by his students. This is proof that history can be learned from any media, one of which is exhibitions. He is optimistic that the Oral History exhibition can be held every year with an increasingly interesting theme.
This exhibition received much appreciation from both educational institutions and mass media, such as ugm.ac.id, @ugmtoday, tekno.tempo.co, headtopics.com, beritabaru.news, yogyapos.com, sumutkota.com, and jakartainews.com.