Thursday, February 22nd, 2023, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences succeeded in inaugurating 148 graduates consisting of 43 male graduates and 105 female graduates. The second period of the graduation took place on the 7th floor of the Soegondo Building Auditorium. The event was opened with an opening speech from Prof. Dr. Setiadi, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Furthermore, there was also a traditional dance performance by one of the student communities named Sastra Oebah.
The average GPA for the undergraduate program in this period is 3.58 and the average study period is 4 years and 9 months. Riqko Nur Ardi Windayanto from the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program and Filipus Andika Wicaksana from the Japanese Language and Culture Study Program with a GPA of 3.96 were the graduates with the highest scores. The graduate with the fastest study period was won by Riqko Nur Ardi Windayanto with a length of study of 3 years 5 months 14 days.
The final session of the graduation ceremony was the capitulation of certificates from each department followed by a photo session with the deans, heads of study programs, and graduates from each department.
Congratulations to all graduates who have successfully finished their studies at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM. Hopefully, all the achievements will be beneficial in the future.