On Tuesday,7 March 2023, Faculty of Cultural Sciences organised a Cultural Night as one of the main events of the 77th Anniversary of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event was enlivened by performances from students and alumni of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM. Apart from being directly witnessed by the civitas of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, this event was also broadcasted on one of national TV channels, namely Indosiar. The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Scinces, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Setiadi, S.Sos., M.A. and the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG., Ph.D.
Apart from being the highlight of the Anniversary of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, Cultural Night was also an event for the inauguration of the PUSAKA JAWA program (UGM Center for Javanese Studies). Pusaka Jawa was established to be a center for learning Javanese culture. This study center is expected to attract young Indonesians to study Javanese culture and art as we hope that other cultural studies centers will emerge. According to the Dean of the Faculty of Culural Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Setiadi, S.Sos., M.A., Pusaka Jawa has a tagline called hamong, hamot, hamemangkat. Hamong means empowering, hamot means bridging, and hamemangkat means integrating and developing.
This Cultural Night event was not only an event to perpetuate culture and arts, but also an event for the younger generation to participate in learning the culture.