On Tuesday, 14 March 2023, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences conducted a public discussion at the 2nd floor of the Multimedia Room, Margono Building. The discussion which was open for the public entitled To Sail Along the Coast, To Found a New Home. Ronnie Hatley, who is a Ph.D. from Washington State University, was the key speaker of this event along with Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, M.A. from Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM as the moderator.
The discussion was started with a presentation from Ronnie Hatley, Ph.D. by showing the journey maps of Austronesian ancestors. The next explanation was about a matriarchy concept spread to Pacific Islands. Some evidence of civilization was also presented to stimulate the discussion. At the end of the discussion, participants were invited to look at the similarities between Indonesian cultures and other Austronesian countries.
The discussion was followed by an explanation from Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo about distribution of Austronesian people by analyzing through migration maps, wall paintings and artifact remains. He also discussed the matriarchy concept which he called “women on the move”. Besides, other information about the genetics of Austronesian ancestors were also shown to identify migration patterns in more detail.