It’s been 4 months we have lived side by side with the corona virus pandemic and a bunch of information about the plague. world’s statistical data and the Government of Indonesia show how the pandemic continues to this day, there are no signs except in some countries where the people and governments are very disciplined. However, at the end of June, the public’s attitude towards the pandemic became very slack. The concept of “new normal” which was implemented by the Government in various countries was responded as “back to normal”. This situation is in stark contrast to the first two months of the pandemic, where many people took extra measures to deal with the pandemic, now people seem to have no problem. How can we understand all this?
This FIB webinar will explore the diversity of this “new normal” experience that seems too early in a comparative manner between regions through archaeological, historical, linguistic, literary and ethnographic perspectives.
Will be held on August 10, 2020 13.00 – 15.00 WIB