Tuesday June 25th 2019, Prodi Arkeologi UGM pre-launched “Kuasa Makna, Perspektif Baru dalam Arkeologi Indonesia” at Multimedia Room, Margono Building. The book, poised to be a new wave in Indonesian Archeology, was composed by Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, Drs. Tjahjono Prasodjo, M.A, Drs. J.S. Edy Yuwono, Dwi Pradnyawan, M.A and Adieyatna Fajri, M.A.
The pre-launch is also part of the 73rd Anniversary of FIB UGM, held throughout 2019, to create a platform for each department to hold their own scientific programs. Also attending this event, Dr. Suzie Handayani, as moderator and head of the FIB UGM Anniversary program, Dr. Kris Budiman and Prof. Dr. P. M. Laksono as discussers of the book’s contents.
The first session consists of presentation by each contributor with discussions from the discussers. Dr. Daud presents the current condition of Indonesian Archeology, which he sees as having too much fun within itself, resulting in disability to develop itself further. Dr. Daud corroborates the condition, calling the field as too enticed by romanticism and formality of methods. Dr. Daud mentions that Archeology shouldn’t be the only source of truth, or the ultimate source of truth, instead should be creating spaces and discourses for others to discuss and interpret.
Further in the discussion, Prof. Dr. P. M. Laksono discusses the meaning of the word “Kuasa” and “Makna”, the title of the book, which was not discussed in the book itself. Dr. Kris Budiman discusses on the routes Archeology could take, either to go deeper into Archeology or ‘minggat’ into interdisciplinary fields.
Whatever it is, the book should be appreciated and accepted, while the book will go on further edits and improvements after publishing, allowing readers to enjoy the book and the spiritual routes they could take, and bring Archeology further.