As a form of celebration of “Kamis Pahing” which falls on September 8, 2022, the academic community at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM wear traditional clothes from various regions. This activity was well and positively welcomed by the academic community at Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM. A variety of beautiful and colorful traditional clothes from different regions were showcased at the “Kamis Pahing” event in the Faculty of Cultural Science UGM area. The appeal for the wearing of traditional clothing on “Kamis Pahing” refers to the regulation of the Governor of DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) number 87 of 2014 concerning the use of traditional clothing on certain days in Yogyakarta. The “Kamis Pahing” celebration, which falls once every 35 days, is expected to preserve and preserve traditional culture, as well as the kindness values contained in it.